Saturday, May 8, 2010

CPE Experiencia

So I have completed my secod unit of CPE. I have now started my third unit. I find that I am growing more than I could ever imagine. It is so hard when a mirror is held right to your face and you take a good look at all the not so great stuff about yourself. In that you learn that nobody can hold power over you unless you give your power away. I have learned to try to get rid of the word NICE and embrace the word BOLD!! I am evolving as I was when I was in Honduras....the woman in me is finding a voice in self and ministry. I have held dying babies, witnessed grieving in its rawest has humbled me to the core and I still have some many more expreinces to be witness to and forever changed. Thank you those that read my thoughts...It is healng to place them out there.
Paz del Senor,

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