Thursday, November 1, 2012


So right now instead of doing this I should be applying for another chaplain job. Yet, I wanted to update whoever might be following my blog that I am in the process of transitioning to another place in my life. Come mid December I will have hopefully found another job. I feel as if I am jumping out into the unknown once again. I see so many of my friends and family settled into their lives as I process forward there is always a piece of me that wants adventure.

I am looking at all ministry options church life, chaplaincy. I am still dreaming of military chaplaincy yet I have to wait for my ACL to heal. I am so thankful for my family and friend that have taken care of me as I am healing. I am thankful the out pour of staff and patients with their support and I walk down the halls of the hospital with my crutches.

There is so much to learn in my call of ministry. I can’t believe that come this April 2013 I will have been a priest for five years managing I don’t do anything too wild.  Time really flies as the years go by. I still have so much I want to get done and I have the time. I find my work full of deep meaning even in the hardest of cases. The honor of being able to be there for a family or a patient is a wonder of God.
Val Miller

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