Friday, September 19, 2008

Dia de Awesome!!!

Today taught me alot about life. I had a great day teaching students. I felt today I was on top of my game for some reason. Wow, if only everyday could be like this I would be as great as Jesus. Yet, again I guess Jesus did have his days when his message was not getting across to everyone. My days are now about living in each moment. I finaly had another great achievement I got money exchanged at the bank with my travelers checks all by myself..( speaking Spanish !!) I am a big kid now...!! I got a pair of cute workout shoes. I am going to the gym with my friend Ashly and then going to a convent with Karla & Ashly to be in community with some wonderful godly ladies. I am going to join my community after I take some time to practice some Spanish.
The Rev. Valerie Miller

1 comment:

lovelyrita913 said...

Hey Val! It's Molly!! It is great to read your blog and see that you are doing so well. I just read through all of them. Hope everythings good. If you want to Skype i tried to add you as a friend but it says you haven't adde dme back yet. I'm under Molly K, but my username is lovelyrita913. We should video chat sometime! Love you muchisimo!!!!!