Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dia de Independencia

The last few days have been the mixture of celebration and deep contemplation. I had the honor of spending two days out on a farm in the middle of the mountains of Honduras. I stayed with a family who had the hospitality of saints. I had such an enjoyable time. Monday was the independence day of the Honduran people. There had been political word that there was to be anti American protest on Independence day yet thanks be to God there was not. Yet, a piece of me is starting to see even more clearly why other people in nations around the world just might have hateful thoughts towards the Untied States. We have been less than peaceful, respectful in honoring other countries customs, faith traditions, and languages. I am sorry we are not the greatest nation in the world and please we need to let go of the ancient Israelite theology that God has hand picked us as blessed above all others. We have stomped on the backs of our fellow humans in third world countries such as Honduras. Yet, relations with the United States and Honduras has improved greatly. I have experienced such love and respect from so many Hondurans. When I need some correction in my Spanish people are there with a polite smile and encouraging words. I am also realizing my privilege that is handed over to me as a white American even if I want it or not it's there. I keep praying to God that my eyes stay open to what I see with the poverty in Honduras and remembering the US and the poor there as well. The age old question still remains...When will we all be free to truly breathe, to truly live without oppression of others? Idealistic No, this is not an idealistic concept because the praxis of liberation theology...the liberating of all! This is the force that helps myself and others get up in the morning and know we are striving to live in our sin and sainthood to do something better in liberating others, to be teachers and to be taught by others so we can all truly live. The Rev. Valerie Miller

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