Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dos Dias Mas

Well, today I am completing my packing. There is some part of me that is in the middle of ending and beginning. There is letting go, as well as moving forward. Yet, I am excited because I know that the career as a chaplain/priest for the chicas/ muchachas at Our Little Roses and the students at Holy Family is going to be more than I ever dreamed of awesomeness! This is a sacrifice in saying goodbye to what I have known before, as well as friends & family members. Yet, it's more of a joy than a sacrifice because with God all things are truly possible to those who wait on God's way instead of ones own. I am so happy & glad that I have truly been able to hear God calling me to Honduras. If I had chosen another path I would not be following where my heart is and my truest self.
I will finish packing..and getting the last details squared away.

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